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New energy industry in the western region will be a major positive wind power industry in the column
Recently, the China National Development and Reform Commission issued the "western regions to encourage Industrial Directory" (hereinafter referred to as the "directory"), a number of power energy and energy conservation and environmental protection industry into the new category of encouraging industry. 12 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), photovoltaic, wind power and other new energy industry has become the focus in the development of the western region.
It is reported that the directory after 4 years of brewing after the final baked, aimed at deepening the development strategy of the western region, and promote industrial structure adjustment and characteristics of industrial development in the western region. "Directory" since October 1, 2014 implementation, in principle, to the production and operation of various types of enterprises in the western region.
New energy industry profit
It is reported that the directory includes a total of two parts, one is the state of the existing industrial directory to encourage the industry, the two is to encourage new industries in the western region. The development of the western region includes Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang,, Inner Mongolia and Guangxi 12 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities).
Among them, solar power, wind power and other new energy industry has become the focus of the directory to encourage industry, covering the back pressure type cogeneration unit construction and operation, high efficiency solar cell component technology development and production, wind power plant construction and operation, solar power generation system construction and operation, relying on distributed energy smart grid technology development and application. 12 new provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) of the new industry are involved in the new energy industry, which has 9 areas related to solar, wind and nuclear power equipment.
Among them, Sichuan, Yunnan, encourage efficient solar battery component technology development and production, as well as materials R & D and manufacturing; in Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia as the representative and advocated to encourage the construction and operation of solar power systems, wind power farm construction and operation; Yunnan, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang also encourage relying on distributed power and smart micro grid technology development and application, the State encourages the construction of distributed energy, promote new energy sources such as solar power in situ consumptive intent is clear.
In fact, in the tenth years of the implementation of the western development strategy, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the opinions on the implementation of the strategy of developing the western region in June 2010. "Opinion" clear a number of fiscal and tax policies for the western region.
But to enjoy the preferential policies, must become the "directory" in the relevant industries involved. Today, solar energy, wind power and other new energy industry is in the column, which is the western region of the new energy companies, is undoubtedly a major positive.
In addition, according to the State Administration of Taxation Announcement No. twelfth, 2012, the State Administration of Taxation on in-depth implementation of the western development strategy of enterprise income tax notice, since December 31, 2020 to January 1, 2011, the western region in the western region to encourage industry projects, and its main business income accounted for more than 70% of the total business income, after the competent tax authorities for examination and approval, can be reduced by 15% to pay corporate income tax. That is to say that the industry will enter the directory of 15% of the corporate income tax rate, and the current corporate income tax rate is 25%.
Industry insiders estimate that if the photovoltaic power generation project income tax in accordance with the 15% payment, the project capital internal rate of return of about 1%.
Lin Boqiang, director of the energy research center of Xiamen University, said, in addition to the preferential income tax, access to the directory of the industry in the project approval, approval and other aspects also have a great advantage.
Adjust industrial structure
Reporters noted that in the national development and Reform Commission announced the final list of the 12 provinces in Shaanxi, Ningxia, the new industry is also included in the new class of millions of tons of large ethylene, 10 million ton large oil refining and other major coal chemical, petrochemical". The coal chemical industry investment fiery Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and other places to encourage the coal chemical industry hard to trace.
In fact, in the directory for the draft, the coal chemical projects get together and has been much controversy. April of this year, the national development and Reform Commission in conjunction with the relevant departments and local research after the preparation of the directory, the draft release, in the new industry, Xinjiang, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu and other western provinces will be coal to olefins, coal and methanol, etc..
Deputy director of the NPC Environmental and Resources Protection Committee of the bill room feng Chun Wang had to the media said that the state will put coal chemical project in the development of the western region, has certain rationality, but to encourage the development is not necessarily appropriate.
At the same time, Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences researcher Wang Ning has told local media, not included in the directory does not mean that Xinjiang does not develop coal chemical projects, but the coal chemical, petrochemical industry in Xinjiang, a large proportion, the directory is designed to adjust the industrial structure of Xinjiang.
It is reported that China is currently running, testing, construction and preliminary work stage of the coal oil projects 26, coal and methanol to olefins project 58, coal gas project 67, if all put into operation, is expected in 2020 40000000 tons / year of coal oil production capacity, 41000000 tons / year of hydrocarbon generation capacity, 280000000000 cubic meters / year of natural gas production capacity.
"Coal chemical projects blindly redundant construction waste a lot of social capital. The end product of the western coal to olefin project is mostly polyethylene and polypropylene, the product structure is single, the risk is very big." Chemical experts, Shaanxi Province
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